Passing your PRINCE2 Foundation exam is important, but we know it is never simple. But here’s the deal, we have the ultimate top ten tips to help you pass your PRINCE2 Foundation exam with flying colours!!!
Want to know how?
Then the list below is going to prove really useful to you.
The bottom line here is that within the 60 minutes allocated to you, you must get 35 answers correct out of 70 to make it to the passing grade of 50%. There are 75 different multiple choice questions per paper and it includes 5 trial ones for which the scores will not be counted. Your tutor will be able to give you all the details on how the scores are calculated and what you should know about answering your paper.
The PRINCE2 Foundation exam is aimed at establishing that you will be able to act as an informed and trained member of a project management team using a PRINCE2 environment that is supported. In order to pass you will need to show that you understand and remember the principles and the terminology of the method. Therefore, you need to show that you have grasped the purpose and the major content of the roles, the eight components, the eight processes and the sub-processes of them as well as the techniques. You must also know which management product are input to, and output from, and the eight processes, the main purpose of the key contents of these fundamental management products. You should also be able to state the relationships between the processes, the deliverables, roles and the management dimensions of the project.
Every project needs a good schedule and this examination certainly doesn’t stray from that rule. Exam day will be here before you even know it and therefore prior planning cannot be undermined. You need to set up and ensure that you stick to your course work, revisions and exam schedule as well as deadlines and you should also have built in risk factors. As you can see, this is actually like how you would execute an actual project. If you are not good at organising, you will have to nurture and hone that capacity in you if you want to work successfully in project management.
Yes, we all know that reading about the course, even before the course has started is no fun at all but trust us on this one when we say that it comes with its arms full of rewards. It will help you get an idea about what you are getting into and you will go into your lessons better prepared to absorb in that knowledge. Mark out topics that you think you need extra tutor help with and make summary notes so that you can use them for ongoing reviews and revisions. You should also look out for whether any books and manuals will be offered by your course provider.
You may think that you have enough time to get all the answers across coolly at the exam right? No you won’t. You will only have 60 minutes for 75 questions and you have to aim at getting all of them right so that you have a chance at passing the examination and that means one thing. You have less than one minute on a question. You need to eat, sleep and breathe that manual at all costs. There is just no other way around it.
There is another trick to passing this examination. You need to familiarise yourself with the exam questions. What do they sound like generally? How are they laid out? What can you expect? The more that you practice doing these questions, the better your chances of shooting for a full 100% marks in that examination will be. Also doing this regularly will give you the chance to fix any of your weak areas if you find that you have any.
When you have a classic case of exam head you will find it really hard to think outside of anything other than your immediate course. However the best way to pass the PRINCE2 is to interact with professionals and fellow students so that you can find enough opportunities to actually work on what you study. Start getting on those discussion threads in forums, ask enough questions from your tutor, join groups on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn.
The exam will start and you immediately start running eyeing that finish line, but are you watching where you are running? Are you steady enough? First read everything through clearly so that you can understand. Underline key words in your questions and finally start answering. Do the simple and easy questions first then get onto the tough ones. Double check your answers, keep an eye out on the time too. Just in case you get hit by a wave of anxiety remember you can always retake the exam but you may not need to if you just keep calm.
Don’t walk into your exam like a zombie. Wake up fresh on the D-day with plenty of rest behind you. if you can get all 8 hours of sleep.
Do not ever go to the exam on an empty stomach. The last thing you want is a gassy, rumbling stomach that is distracting or just plain lethargy because well, your body is running on fumes.
What to know where you can take the PRINCE2 Foundation exam?
At Global Edulink we offer you a step by step of the PRINCE2 qualification scheme. We offer support and guidance through our industry expert tutors so that you can pass the exam successfully too.
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